Books That Live And Give Life! Goodbooklets.net 

Good Booklets

Goodbooklets are a collections of good, mini Christian e-booklets.  They are designed to point the reader to the one and only true book of books, the holy bible.  This collection covers a variety of exciting and sometime controversial topics.  Such topics are:  Marriage & Divorce, The Bible and Slavery, Speaking in Tongues, Homosexuality, Interracial Relationships, End Time prophecy and more. Whether you're a pastor, deacon, choir director or just a student of the scriptures, the good booklets e-booklets series is written entirely with YOU in mind.  You see, we believe what the bible actually says, not what some presume it teaches. These are powerful learning tools and written with care for easy understanding and enjoyment. Get your good booklets collection today---after all, it's your time to be blessed.